Well I am feeling much better all round now.  Of course the nasty pharmaceuticals have kicked in and are racing though my body reducing swelling, killing infections and relieving pain.  Now it is up to me to add good things to the mix to get me well again.  So.........this afternoon I had the biggest green juice ever I struggled to get it all down and I didn't feel like anything for 4 hours after.  Celery (lots), spinach, cucumber, carrot and apple.  For dinner I had a cucumber, avocado and tomato juice smoothie.
Now all I need is a good nights sleep.  But if the Prednisone is anything to go by I would say I'm outta luck! 
My granddaughter Stella has a tummy bug at the moment so she is feeling miserable.  I am hoping when she feels better she will give me her favourite 'raw' recipe so I can put it on the recipe page.
Right....... drugs taken, smoothie eaten it's time for bed.


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