It's been days...

It's been days since I posted cos I have had the grandchildren to stay.  The days flew by and before I knew it I was putting them back on an airplane.

We had so much fun...walking to the pine forest and collecting cones...playing in the shearing shed....picking up gumtree buttons and acorns....feeding Patchy ....the list goes on.

The kids had a ball hunting for their Easter eggs.  Roan asked each hen, 'which one of you laid this egg?'.

 All in all the visit was a great success.

Apart from a heinous headache on Sunday I have been remarkable pain free.  Still sluicing my nose 4-5 times a day...sometimes getting green gunk sometimes not.  Sunday was a bad day and scared myself when I flushed out a leaf sized bit of gunk that was dark green....YUK!  Felt much better after.  I am on another month of antibiotics after see Dr Honk last Thursday who once again got out his camera and told me there was still infection in the right nostril.  I think I already knew that.

So still on a high raw diet with lots of juicing.  I have felt the need to eat while taking antibiotics so will have to wait to do a juice feast till ALL the infection is gone....ho hum...boring.  But at this stage I will do anything to get rid of this parasite that has taken up residence in my nose!!!!!!!


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