It's been a long time.............
I have been away from my blog since leaving the UK and arriving home over a month ago.......but I have been busy. The weather was still so lovely when I arrived that I wanted to throw myself at the garden and dig, plant and enjoy the last of the healing summer sun. All that snow and low temperatures in the UK had left me chilled to the bone..........of course they are now enjoying a lovely spring and have thrown off their jackets and scarfs and put on their shorts and t shirts.....
'Bat er up' Ethan.
Lachie practicing to be an All Black.
'Bat er up' Ethan.
I don't begrudge them some warmth cos it sure was a cold winter.
So now I am back on an even keel my raw food seems to be back on track......I still eat some cooked vegetables if I'm out or we do a big mess of veg like baked pumpkin, parsnip, zuchini, beetroot, kumara, shallots ......I think you get the picture! Geoff will have meat on the side but loves his vegetables too so it is never an effort to feed him.
For lunch today I juiced some of Geoff's amazing carrots straight fromt the garden, some celery, apple off the tree and squeezed a lemon - added 1/2 an avocado and spinach.......result creamy green soup. I sprinkled sprouted seeds on top and I can tell you it was delicious.
I finally got around to framing Stella's beautiful and vibrant art work......I hope it inspires her to do more.
Saturday tomorrow and we are going to pick some things up from the sisters as she is moving into a smaller place/space in a few weeks. I have bagged myself some really rustic garden furniture and Geoff is buying her nearly new mower..........which is good cos our mower is nearly dead!
Had Henry for the day and he and Fred have been racing about like......well like mad dogs! They are a hoot to watch. Unfortunately I didn't get any photos and they are now both laid out in front of the fire enjoying the warmth and fire glow...........aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh.
And look at that it's already wine o'clock...............