Rain beautiful rain!

So it is raining.....how absolutely wonderful!  I can say that cos I am going to (hopefully) warmer climes this time next week.  But we so badly need rain to grow grass for them poor old sheep.

Sheba and Fred are stuck like glue to the fire.  Fred has actually got his legs on her back!

Since arriving home I have made a big pot of soup for Geoff's lunches and a batch of bread.  Also I am having a Skype chat with me old friend Annie from Ommers!

Ooops got waylaid now it's Tuesday and I am running out of time to get all my jobs done.  I am trying to get the bathroom painted but the colour was SO wrong so I had to wait for some white paint to arrive via sister.  So that is what I have been doing this morning......I will post this and do another blog tomorrow.  At least I got the fireplaces finished!


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