It's getting colder

The weather has definitely turned colder here in the UK and this morning it is foggy!

This turned my mind to what I was going to eat that would give me that feeling of warmth in my food and belly.  In the winter I eat room temperature food as it is too cold straight from the fridge.  I am lucky I have an Aga here so I just put my bowl of soup on the top for 30 mins and it is lovely and warm so thats easy.

Anyway as I was scurfing the web looking for raw inspiration I came across this blog that I found interesting.  Andrew is a fruitarian which I don't think I want to be cos I like my veggies too much - still an interesting read.

Also I notice I have a tendency to over complicate raw recipes when I am craving and I add too many ingredients.  Slowly but surely I am realising that one or two ingredients makes for a nicer taste.  For example, tomatoes, avocado and carrot juice all whizzed together make the most divine soup.

The one thing that knocks my chocolate cravings out the window is soaked dates, avocado, banana and cocoa powder.  This is my all time favourite dessert!  There is a picture of it in an earlier post.  Right thats it I'm going to make some to eat in front of TV tonight to watch the first episode of series 4 of Mad Men!!


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