Another Big Day

What a beautiful day today.  The Oak Wood was so lovely with all the crunchy leaves and acorns under foot.  It was almost like being in Richmond Park, London.  Geoff reckoned he wouldn't be surprised if a deer ran passed.
Capability Brown would add a 'folly' and a lake.........

Fred helped Geoff put all the wood on the back of the truck....not!!  But he did feel important now he is a 'farm' dog and riding on the back.

Stella and Roan would so love helping Pop and Fred get the wood for the winter.  The leaves are ankle deep and Fred feels very important being part of it all.  You wouldn't believe how many 'snakes' Fred wrestled in the Wood....well fallen branches actually!!

While we were in the Wood we found the stump I had seen a couple of weeks ago and thought would be good as a centre piece in the herb garden.  Geoff got the tractor and lifted it in to the garden and manhandled it into place (without too much screaming and yelling).


I do like the stump ,you will have to remember it while you are away ,good name Geoff.

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