Soup anyone?

I finally went to sleep about midnight and slept through to 6.40am!  I am still waiting for the Prednisone to kick in but I think I am worrying needlessly.  We were visited by 2 furry friends just after we woke up and even though we intended going back to sleep they had other ideas - complaining about their empty tummies.  They annoyed us for half an hour till Geoff finally got up and made their breakfast.
My breakfast was a celery, spinach, cucumber and apple juice made by Geoff.....he is getting good at making them now :)
Today I am going to make tomato soup to put in the freezer for Geoff over winter.  We are getting a bumper crop of toms this year and I eat about 4 (big ones) a day in raw soups and just with an avocado.  They are so much tastier straight from the garden than the store bought ones that have no taste at all having spent who knows how long in a chiller.
Head is at a manageable 3-4 so time to get moving..........


good to hear,what is your soup recipe,
You clearly haven't seen my 'more pages' on the top right hand side of the blog.....te he

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