Still day 6 ......
Had a fun afternoon with my sister going over and teaching her about the new Blogger templates. Made us a delish juice with carrots, pear, apple and lemon. I had a shower this afternoon and a scrub down with homemade scrub.
A 1/3 cup sugar (this is all sugar is good for!)
olive oil
lavender oil (or your favourite)
Pour in enough oil to dampen sugar, add lavender and mix. Rub all over your body - rinse - pat dry.
I love this and like to do it just before bed as it seems to relax me.
Dinner was green soup made with a whole coconut flesh and water! I am gonna be so hydrated..........
Didn't allow myself to sleep today because I want a repeat of last night! Fred is keeping me company. Geoff gave him a bath earlier and he is nice and clean so he is allowed on the bed. He is having a puppy dream and running in his sleep - I think it is because his friend Henry came to play this afternoon.
A 1/3 cup sugar (this is all sugar is good for!)
olive oil
lavender oil (or your favourite)
Pour in enough oil to dampen sugar, add lavender and mix. Rub all over your body - rinse - pat dry.
I love this and like to do it just before bed as it seems to relax me.
Dinner was green soup made with a whole coconut flesh and water! I am gonna be so hydrated..........