Ruminations and reflections

I realise the more raw I become the more I reflect on what is trendily referred to as our 'carbon footprint'.  I realise that I want my existence to be as anonymous as possible whether it be my presence on the planet or my actions while I'm here.  I figure that if I cannot kill a chicken or a lamb have I the right to eat a lamb chop or chicken breast.

They do say that plants have feelings and I fully get that because they are a living thing so maybe it's the same - but there is something wholesome about picking your home grown salad greens as opposed to slaughtering an animal - all that blood for one thing.  Geoff is going to have something to say to me about that!  But he is a farmer and thats his job no matter what my thoughts and views happen to be.

Lets remember we are talking about me here and I am not out to change anybody else's eating habits or 'footprints' I only have time to deal with my own!

As I drive to and from work there are so many animals running away from my car tyre's, rabbits, pheasants, and squirrels.  People eat rabbits and pheasants and I often think as I am driving along wouldn't it be terrible if the human race ate all of them.  Pheasants are so beautiful with their stunning red and emerald green heads and beautiful feathers.

And rabbits - well you can't see a bunny without thinking about easter eggs.

The animals below were slaughtered with minimal loss of blood.......


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